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Joy for Senior’s with Art Therapy

Rick’s Heart Foundation often gets donations from Jeff, The Liquidator, sometimes they can be super random. However here at, Rick’s Heart Foundation

Rick’s Heart Foundation often gets donations from Jeff, The Liquidator, and sometimes they can be super random. But Jeff knows we are up to making an impact with all donations we receive. This year we received a ton of empty film canisters from an old tv set. We were super excited to repurpose these canisters in a creative way. Our founder made a few phone calls and connected with Chris Harrison from the Kinsmen Lodge, they are a part of our Heart For Music program. The Lodge was grateful for the donation and up for the challenge to utilize them. 

What do you do with a box full of old film canisters?

Paint them bright colours and turn them into decorations for the garden! For weeks now we have been painting these canisters. Sometimes we wonder what movie was inside. It turns out that it takes a few layers of paint to cover the metal, so this project has taken a while. After the paint dries, and layers of the pattern have been added we varnish them to make them more weatherproof. Soon they will be ready for the garden and the fence. Thanks to all of the helpers!!


Director of Recreation and Volunteer Services at Kinsmen Lodge

“Making art is like giving a gift: evidence of your spirit and that you are here.”
~ Patty Mitchell

These film canisters are now displayed in the garden at Kinsmen Lodge. Keep an eye out across the lower mainland for where these pieces of art will end up. Thank you to Jeff The Liquidator for the donation and to the staff and residents at Kinsmen Lodge for their inspirational art.


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