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Save On Food Partnership

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

Save On Food approached our Foundation about 20 skids of product they had…

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

Save On Food approached our Foundation about 20 skids of product they had, that needed to be donated.  Over $15,000 worth of food from coffee, granola bars, cereal and so much more. Mr. Diamond eagerly agreed to coordinate this donation. Rick’s Heart Foundation provided transport of a 53′ trailer and the skids were distributed between the following groups.

Ishtar Women’s Resource Center

To honour, embrace and celebrate the power, resilience, courage and knowledge of all women. We work collaboratively for systemic change where equality means inclusion, opportunity and accessibility for all. We work together locally for a world where all women and girls are safe emotionally, mentally, financially, physically, sexually, spiritually and culturally. 

Luke 15 House

They are a safe home, inspired by God’s unconditional love where respect, hope, structure, and healing are found. They envision a future where any person struggling with addiction can access a proven program in a safe and welcoming home. They strive to expand the scale of Luke 15 House to help as many men as possible. 


They provide rehabilitation ministry to men and women with addiction. Addiction is seen as a symptom of a broken life, as a condition that can be healed through individual inner growth and through transformation to a life that is lived in line with Christian principles and beliefs.

Healing, growth and transformation require time, individual commitment, and a tranquil environment. The two working farms provide a place of beauty, peace and safety for men and women to recover, to heal and to find hope and purpose for their lives.

Community Supporting Community!

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