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A Christmas miracle in Haiti

Rick’s Heart Foundation, along with Diamond Delivery, have been long-time supporters for Compassionate Resource Warehouse. Below is a Thank You note…

Rick’s Heart Foundation, along with Diamond Delivery, have been long-time supporters for Compassionate Resource Warehouse. Below is a Thank You note they sent us about a Christmas miracle in Haiti. It fills our hearts with so much love to see children experiencing Christmas joy. 

A Christmas Miracle

Back in December, the Foundation for the Children of Haiti were on a mission to send Christmas presents to the children at Hope Home in Haiti. Normally the team travels and works at the home twice a year and carries the presents in their luggage. Covid restricted travel in 2020 but the team was undeterred.

Thank you to the incredible support of Diamond Delivery and Rick’s Heart Foundation for making sure the packages arrived just in time to meet an Air Transat flight. After numerous connections, it was cleared from customs just moments before the party was to begin.

The children were already for their party and were absolutely overjoyed to see the unexpected truck arrive with their presents! The smiles say it all. I am sure the noise was heard all over the neighbourhood.

The smiles and laughter and joy were felt here in Victoria as well. All of us who were involved were adding our joyful praise along with the children in Haiti.

Miracles do occur- and Christmas ones are incredibly special.

The Compassionate Resource Warehouse (CRW) is a registered Canadian charity based in Victoria, British Columbia. Since our launch in 1999, our volunteers have collected, processed, packaged and shipped a variety of donated goods and equipment to responsible charities and other groups around the world. These goods are distributed free of charge to people in need and provide opportunity and hope. CRW has shipped over 500 filled containers to 70+ countries!

Stay up to date with all they are doing HERE.

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