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2nd Ambulance to Africa

Diamond Delivery and Ricks Heart Foundation are grateful to be able to support Korle-Bu Neuroscience Foundation. Being able to help…

Diamond Delivery and Ricks Heart Foundation are grateful to be able to support 

Korle-Bu Neuroscience Foundation. Being able to help bring Emergency Vehicles and training to health care professionals is incredible. This ambulance is specifically going to help women in labor. Many lives are being saved because of Korle- Bu and all they do. We look forward to the arrival of this latest ambulance to Liberia.

News articles:

Statistics and Facts

  • Africa accounts for a big chunk of global maternal deaths. In 2013 about 289,000 women worldwide died during pregnancy or childbirth, and of those deaths 62% occurred in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Poverty fuels maternal mortality, experts say, which explains why death rates are higher in poor countries than in rich ones. “For mothers as well as for their infants, the risk of dying during or shortly after birth is 20% to 50% higher for the poorest…than for the richest quintile,” states a report by UNICEF, the UN Children’s Fund. To put this into perspective, in Chad, just 1% of the poorest pregnant women get antenatal care, compared with 48% of wealthy women. 

    Rick’s Heart Foundation believes money should have nothing to do with healthcare or support for anyone. Along with the Ambulance, training will be provided for the Paramedics in Liberia. This training is critical for the Ambulances success in delivering babies safely. It is great to see direct support for individuals in Africa, this is why we continue to support Korle-Bu.

Karl Gillies and wife (far left), President of Diamond Delivery at the send-off for the Ambulance

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