For over ten years, Rick’s Heart Foundation has supported Korle-Bu Neuroscience Foundation, and we are so proud of their incredible work across West Africa. Please enjoy KBNF’s recent mission update below.

The story of the decommissioned hospital beds, is a powerful story of partnership: from Vancouver Coastal Health, to our partners who provided warehouse space, as well as linens for all those beds. Not to mention the hundreds of volunteers who helped prepare and load the hospital beds. It’s a beautiful story of collaboration and we have created a video to help capture this unique and powerful moment in KBNF history.

Last month, we shared how some of the 500 decommissioned hospital beds were shipped to recipients in Ghana—the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra and the Manso Abore Health Centre in the Ashanti region. This month, we are sharing about two more countres that received hospital beds: Nigeria and The Gambia.

In February this year, a small but mighty team of volunteers loaded a container in Vancouver with 40 beds, mattresses and one stretcher.

That container arrived in Nigeria and was unloaded on May 25th. According to Dr. Femi Bankole, chief of neurosurgery at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) in Nigeria, it was the quickest a container has ever been released to him. We are so grateful for how these beds now have a second lease on life, serving more patients in Nigeria.

On Saturday, Feb. 24, we loaded TWO containers out of Surrey—both headed for The Gambia. These two containers held 105 beds and mattresses, as well as four stretchers. The containers arrived safely in The Gambia on May 24 and were unloaded as soon as they were cleared. What a glorious day!

Last year, we shipped our very first container to The Gambia, and this year, we’ve already shipped two. One container at a time, we are expanding our reach and impact in the countries we get to serve.

The new KBNF Centre in Ladner is coming along beautifully. Walls have been painted and industrial shelving has been put up. Thank you so much for everyone who has helped paint or put up shelving. Thank you also for the lovely washer and dryer that have been donated!
Here’s what we still need:
- Kitchen cabinets and island
- Stove
- Fridge
- Dishwasher
- Flooring
- Large utility/laundry sink
If you have any connections for us on any of these items, we would so appreciate it.

We would love to invite you to a BBQ at the new KBNF Centre in Ladner on Saturday, July 27 from 11am-2pm. The address is: 4320 40 Street, Ladner.
Come celebrate this new chapter with us and check out our new space. We would love to see you!

We are so grateful for the work we’ve been able to do with the help of our partners, volunteers, donors and KBNF family. Thank you for your continued enthusiasm and faithful support as we develop neuroscience care in West Africa.
Rose Woller
Executive Director
Korle-Bu Neuroscience Foundation