Our Impact

British Columbia Seniors Outreach & Poverty Relief
In BC, Rick’s Heart Foundation runs its flagship program, the Heart for Music Program is a personalized music program aimed to provide older adults access to their favourite music through digital devices and headphones. Additionally, we close giving gaps by initiating new programs and making possible the work of other charities.
Loneliness, hunger, lack of access to basic hygiene. We can’t let this go on in British Columbia.
Seniors Outreach
Hygiene Relief
Child Hunger
Outreach to Seniors in Care Homes
The isolation of seniors in Canada is unacceptable. Thousands of older adults in BC and throughout Canada are marginalized and isolated.
But music has an impact that reaches further than words.
Rick watched the documentary, Alive Inside. He brought headphones to the care home, placed them over his father’s ears and played music.
“Just as the documentary showed, the results were astounding. His dad came to life — his eyes lit up as his head left his shoulder. Alert with memories that the songs resurfaced, (he) became engaged in the present by remembering the past.”
That moment was the beginning of Rick’s Heart for Music program, now reaching seniors across British Columbia.
Seniors Music Therapy: Heart for Music
The Heart for Music program equips seniors’ care homes with complete music programs.
Each home receives music-playing tablets, headphones and speakers, a music account, and music programming to support staff in implementing the program.
No two playlists are the same. We connect with staff to create personal playlists with residents’ favourite songs — music that’s meaningful and familiar, igniting memories.
Care Home Staff tell us that Heart for Music:
- Increases enjoyment and meaningful experiences
- Decreases anxiety and restlessness while boosting contentment
- Stabilizes intense emotions and physically relaxes listeners
- Increases self esteem while they sing along
- Promotes a sense of connection, decreasing feelings of isolation
Our goal is to offer the Heart for Music program to every not-profit Long-Term Care Home across Canada.
If this mission speaks to you, you can be a part of providing a Heart For Music Start-Up Package, supplying individual care homes with everything they need to bring impactful, familiar music to their seniors.
Heart for Music brings back precious memories and provides a sense of calmness and happiness.
Thank you SO much for coming to our site and providing us with so much JOY!
It was such a wonderful afternoon! The residents had nothing but amazing things to say.
(An) elder mentioned that she has not listened to music since she has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s. She started crying and mentioned that the music reminds her of when she was 16 years old.
I believe in the power of music. It brings people out of themselves. It brings them alive in a really special way and is a connector. Your brain is hardwired to make memories with music.
People in this stage of life have lost that part of their identity. Music brings them back to who they were.

We have had a few outbreaks during the pandemic. It is such a good program to have while elders are isolated in their rooms.
Our elders love this program — it calms and focuses our lonely or anxious elders. They connect with the music.
During our Covid outbreak we continued to facilitate this program in elders’ rooms and celebrate the joy that the elders are receiving from the program.
I’ve started playing the music to one of our residents, and it was amazing to see his face light up when he heard the music.
One guy couldn’t stop crying because he said the music touched his heart. He kept tapping on his chest to indicate he was touched.
Sometimes I just use the tablet to play the music before lunch and put it on the table to let others listen. It was quite a scene, because a few of them will start singing and dancing.
Many of the songs bring back sentimental feelings and memories and some residents have gotten quite emotional while listening to the songs.
The residents who enjoy religious music also love the hymns that they used to sing in church growing up, songs that their parents would sing to them as little kids, or songs that remind them of home.
It’s also been great conversation starters for residents who tap into memories that they cherish and are able to look back and think about those times with their loved ones.
One particular patient sat for a very long time singing along off and on and teary eyed when a song brought back a meaningful experience.
Having this opportunity and being blessed to see the positive outcomes is such a reward for me and the patient. So, thank you so much for the opportunity to have this program at Oceanside
It has been hard to listen to the grief and loneliness the residents have experienced during lockdown and feel I have so little time in the week to address their need.
Your donation has given me a glimmer of hope; a feeling that others care for their difficult and very isolated situation. I feel that I am able to help them beyond the limited time I have with the residents each week.
In Swahili we say ASANTE SANA (and I’ll add a few more “sanas”)!
The Heart For Music brings great comfort to the residents and helps them to focus. We find that during the music, the residents are singing along and are very engaged. After the music, the residents are more communicative and relaxed.
Today I noticed a patient full of frustration and anxiety. She sat in her wheel chair and repeatedly called out. I asked if she liked to listen to music and she said yes.
I put the headset on and she immediately appeared to relax. I was able to meet a need using the music to bring joy.
Just now I gave the music headset to a patient who struggles with words, mobilization and perhaps even feeling isolated with his challenges, and I played Elvis. He stated in a whisper ‘It’s nice’ as he comforted his therapeutic dog that sat on his lap.
The intervention of music has brought a whirlwind of positivity to our program, and I see a vast number of benefits to the patients.
The patients really smile when we put the headphones on as they can hear really well. One patient had tears in her eyes and said she had happy memories listening to that music.
I will be using this music 1:1 intervention every chance I get. So, thanks from all of us for letting us make a difference in lives that need so much love, care and support.
British Columbia’s Hygiene Poverty
From Hotels to Homeless Shelters: Delivering Soap for Hope
Synergy between organizations is a powerful force; especially when a Foundation with a big heart recognizes the value a non-profit organization brings to a community. Soap for Hope is very grateful for our WIN-WIN partnership and we are thankful for the big heart of Rick’s Heart Foundation.

Child Hunger in British Columbia
Closing the Hunger Gap with Backpack Buddies
Backpack Buddies provided over 49,000 backpacks of food to children in BC in 2020.
Rick’s Heart Foundation has been happy to provide support for Backpack Buddies.
Ricks Heart Foundation has been an integral part of Backpack Buddies expansion.
The Foundation has provided all of the transportation of our food products from our suppliers to our primary warehouse, as well as transporting our backpacks across Vancouver Island.
At a time when so much was uncertain for Backpack Buddies, RHF was one of the few constants we could rely upon to help us execute our programming.
Thank You Rick’s Heart Foundation!

Surrey Outreach through Union Gospel Mission
- Meals, shelter, outreach, and chaplaincy services to relieve suffering and renew hope
- Life recovery programs offering freedom from drug or alcohol dependencies
- Education and job preparation to prepare for successful living
- Affordable housing in a caring community
- Programs that work towards building a healthy family
Giving Surrey’s At-Risk Kids a Place to Play: Sponsoring the Boys and Girls Clubhouse
Rick’s Heart sponsored the Boys and Girls Clubhouse in South Surrey for many years — a place where kids can learn and grow through play.
Keeping Families Close: Sponsoring the Ronald McDonald Family Room in Surrey
To be near their child in hospital, many families have to travel and can’t go home at night. The Ronald McDonald Room makes coping with a child’s hospitalization easier to bear.
- 113 families stayed in the sleeping rooms to be close to their sick child
- 480 freezer meals helped families cope with their stay in the hospital and reduced the need to go out for supplies
- 667 loads of laundry were cleaned on-site, so families could remain present
![Surrey Impact Statement 2021[43]](https://b2320691.smushcdn.com/2320691/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Surrey-Impact-Statement-202143.jpg?lossy=2&strip=0&webp=1)
Hungry to Fed: Our parntership with globalmedics mcAntony's Menu
Did you know that 1 in 8 households or nearly 4.4 million Canadians across the country are food insecure? Globalmedic works to help lower the amount of individuals going hungry.
Globalmedic is a Toronto based disaster response charity that has worked in 82 countries. Domestically they run food security programs.
Through this partnership we have been able to give British Columbians over 50,000 lbs of brand new; rice, pearled barley, red lentils, green lentils. chickpeas and green peas.
Rick’s Heart Foundation is looking forward to continuing with this exciting new partnership with Globalmedic.

Giving is the
heart of community
Show you care through Rick’s Heart Foundation.

International Relief Programs
Rick’s Heart Foundation supports Canadian Registered Charities reaching the unreached. We fund and help to deliver emergency, medical and relief donations around the world.
Charity Partners

Emergency Vehicles & Equipment
Medical Vehicles & Supplies
International Relief Supplies
Fire Trucks, ambulances, school supplies. We get essential donations where they’re needed most.
Doubling the Impact of the Kamloops Firefighters Charitable Society
15 Years of Giving with the Korle-Bu Neuroscience Foundation
- Shipped $17 million of medical supplies to 17+ hospitals, 5 universities and schools, orphanages, and nursing homes in West Africa
- Partnered to build and equip a US $230M modern hospital in Ghana
- Educated, trained, and funded 10 neurosurgeons in their home countries
- Trained more than 2000 local nurses, medics, and local health workers and more
In 2019, we partnered with KBNF and Kelowna firefighters to send Liberia an ambulance (EMS-001).
With their new ambulance, Liberia has now deployed an amazing 90 member volunteer team that relies 100% on medical and equipment donations.
Getting Relief Where it’s Needed with Compassionate Resource Warehouse
Support International Relief through
Rick’s Heart Foundation
charities reaching the unreached. To give with us, make a donation.